Planning Archive 2017


73 Walton Road, Wavendon

Conversion of existing dwelling house to form 3 x self-contained apartments


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8UZ

Variation of condition 4 (approved plans) attached to outline application 14/00703/OUT to remove Parameter Plan (FRA001 014A) from the approved plans to facilitate a change to open space strategy


Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes

Reserved matters application for the construction of up to 240 dwellings with garaging; parking; public open space; landscaping; new vehicular and pedestrian accesses; highway works, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure and all ancillary works


395 Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon

Erection of triple garage


Wavendon Lodge Lower End Road, Wavendon

Erection of 14 dwelling houses, detached garages, associated parking and landscaping. Part change of use and part re-build of existing outbuilding at ground-floor from stables/garage to B1 office use


Site A Towergate, Groveway V11 to H8, Milton Keynes

Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access arrangements from Groveway) for residential development (C3), public open space, sustainable urban drainage, and associated landscaping, infrastructure and ancillary works


Magna Park, Fen Street, Magna Park

Advertisement consent for the illuminated projection onto the eastern elevation of Unit 510 Magna Park, of the name “GAZELEY” whilst the building is being marketed for letting


Bayley Gate Farm, College Road, Cranfield

Outline planning application for the erection of up to 300 residential dwellings (including 35% affordable housing) including land for the provision of a school and local service centre, structural planting and landscaping, allotments, public open space, sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) and vehicular access points from Wharley End Road


Storage Land and Premises, Newport Road

Construction of a terrace of 4 dwelling houses including 2 x 2 bedroom dwelling houses and 2 x 3 bedroom dwelling houses and the construction of 2 x 2 bedroom detached bungalows (resubmission of 17/02054/FUL)


12 St Marys Close, Wavendon

Erection of a one and a half storey dwelling house


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes

Reserved Matters application for 111 dwellings pursuant to outline planning approval 14/01544/OUT consisting in a partial Re-plan of 16/03397/REM (amended by 17/01469/MMAM)


Stockwell Lane Farm, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon

Erection of 3 dwellings and associated works following the demolition of the existing redundant farm buildings


Flat 1 only at 73 Walton Road, Wavendon

Change of use from class A1, Ground floor to class C3, including alterations to ground floor front elevation windows to form a self-contained 2 Bedroom apartment not affected by flood and provides on-site parking


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application for 170 dwellings in accordance with Outline Planning Permission (13/02382/OUTEIS) with associated access, landscaping, appearance, layout and scale


Land North Cranfield Airport Cranfield, Bedfordshire

Scoping Opinion: Proposed Air Park


8 Phoebe Lane, Wavendon

Outline application for the proposed construction of 1 No. detached dwelling and garage


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 06/00220/MKPCO for the development of Parcel D at Brooklands Square for 46 houses and associated parking and public realm for siting, design, external appearance and landscape


Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 14/02167/OUTEIS for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 200 dwellings on Phase 2 Parcel D1


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon

The proposed residential development of 9 no. detached dwellings


Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon

Outline planning permission including means of access, appearance, layout and scale for the construction of 2 x 4 bedroom dwellings with access and parking


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Advertisement consent for 4 x sponsorship signs containing company name, website and logo


Storage Land and Premises, Newport Road, Wavendon

Construction of a terrace of 4 dwelling houses including 2 x 2 bed dwelling houses and 2 x 3 bed dwelling houses and the construction of 2 x 4 bed detached dwelling houses


Glebe Land North of Broughton Brook, Fen Street, Magna Park

Erection of distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, vehicle parking and manoeuvring areas, formation of access, construction of a further section of Fen Street including bridge over Broughton Brook, formation of earth mounds and landscaping and an extension to Broughton Brook Linear Park


Land Adjacent To Tollgate Cottage, Off A5130 Newport Road and Broughton Grounds Lane Eastern Expansion Area

Variation of condition 13 (local area of play) attached to planning permission 11/01760/MKPC to remove provision for a local area of play and instead provide an area of public open space


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Formation of balancing ponds / lagoons


Land off Stockwell Lane, Wavendon

Outline permission for up to 15 x dwellings and reserved matters including parking, amenity, landscaping and site access


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval is sought for all remaining matters still to be approved in respect of the development proposed on Plots 520 & 530. The outline planning application was one for which an environmental impact assessment was required and one was submitted at that time


Land At Eagle Farm Cranfield Road Wavendon

Minor material amendment to application 12/02204/MKPCO for the removal of condition 13 (internal floor space)


Storage Land And Premises, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AG

Construction of 2 dwellings


19A Bellway, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8UG

Proposed single storey side extension


Millbrook Power Station Rookery South Pit Millbrook Bedfordshire

Consultations from Adjoining Authorities – Notification of proposed application for a Development Consent Order to construct and operate the Millbrook Power Project (notification under section 42 of the Planning Act


Land To Rear of 34 Newport Road, Wavendon

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 16/02003/FUL


Arnfield 27, Walton Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LH

Rear single storey extension; front garage extension and roof dormer


Parcel B1, Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 13/02381/OUTEIS for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 259 dwellings at Eagle Farm South, Wavendon, Phase 1 Parcel B1


A G Barr Plc Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes, MK17 8FL

Erection of plant room with ancillary structures


Land To The East of Newport Road Wavendon

Outline application for residential development for up to 250 dwellings and a community or commercial building with all matters reserved except access


Land South of Wavendon, Manor Cross End, Wavendon

Outline planning permission (with approval of access, layout and scale details) for the proposed residential development of 9 x detached dwellings


Site To North West of Wavendon House Drive Wavendon

Listed building consent for the development of 3 x dwelling houses, restoration of walled garden and demolition of derelict greenhouse structures


Site To North West of Wavendon House Drive Wavendon

Development of 3 x dwelling houses, restoration of walled garden and demolition of derelict greenhouse structures


39 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon Milton Keynes, MK17 8AJ

Listed building consent for secondary glazing to windows


Plot 340, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes

Application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to planning permission: 06/00333/MKPCO for all outstanding reserved matters relating to the erection of a distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, vehicle parking and manoeuvring areas, landscaping and formation of access, Plot 340


Plot 340, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes

Erection of a distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, vehicle parking and manoeuvring areas, landscaping and formation of access


Plot 510, Gallagher Logistics Park, Crossley Drive, Magna Park Phase 2, (formerly Eagle Farm North) Milton Keynes

Application for approval of all reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 12/02204/MKPCO for a distribution warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (total floor area of 53,370 sqm) and associated access, vehicle parking, manoeuvring areas and landscaping


Land At Junction of Newport Road And Lower End Road Wavendon

Outline application for the erection of one residential dwelling, including 2 and 2.5 storey elements, and associated parking and amenity space with all matters reserved except access, layout and scale


Substations To North And Nw of Lower End Road Wavendon

Provision of four electricity substation to serve commercial and residential development within Glebe Farm


Eagle Farm North Off A421 Wavendon

Application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission ref. 12/02204/MKPCO for details of internal access road and 5 x substations, earth moving to form building platforms, estate drainage and perimeter landscaping.


Land North of Cranfield Road Woburn Sands

Outline application for residential development of up to 303 dwellings; doctor’s surgery; open space; landscaping; pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access from Newport Road and Cranfield Road and supporting infrastructure with all matters reserved except access


Park Farm Cottage, Lower End Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AN

Single storey front extension to kitchen


Land To The West of Wavendon Lodge Lower End Road Wavendon

Outline permission for the erection of up to 120 new homes comprising of apartments and houses with all matters reserved except for access


Land Adjacent To 45 Newport Road Wavendon

Construction of 4 x four bed dwellinghouses


Land North of Cranfield Road Woburn Sands

Outline application (all matters reserved other than access) for residential development of up to 203 dwellings; doctor’s surgery; open space; landscaping; pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access from Newport Road and Cranfield Road; supporting infrastructure (resubmission of 16/00672/OUT)


Land To The East of 6 To 28 Lower End Road Wavendon

Change of use of land to form a site for travelling showpeople comprising 4 plots for mixed residential and storage use with associated access and landscaping


Land To The South of 5 Phoebe Lane Wavendon

Erection of 3 x dwelling houses including parking and other associated works


67 Station Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8RX

Change of use of first floor from residential to office/storage D1 at 67 Station Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8RX for Central Bedfordshire Council.Environmental screening opinion request for application 16/00672/OUT