Planning Archive 2018


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon

Reserved matters application for the details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale at Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon.


Parkway Cottage, 1 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8UH

Tree preservation order consent for the removal of part of the root of Oak (T1) to allow for repairs to a collapsed drain and to prevent further damage at Parkway Cottage, 1 Parkway Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.


29 Walton Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LH

New rear sunroom extension and alterations to rear facade at 29 Walton Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LH.


Land to Rear of 34 Newport Road, Wavendon

Details submitted pursuant to the variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) attached to planning permission 18/01679/FUL at Land to Rear of 34 Newport Road, Wavendon.


Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AQ

Erection of two dwellings with associated parking and landscaping


Magna Park, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AA

Screening opinion for the erection of approximately 10,000sqm of B1a; B2 and/or B8 use with associated access, landscaping and parking at Magna Park, Newport Road.


Midsummer Moon, A Cross End, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AQ

Two storey extension, small first floor extension, construction of basement, triple garage, Pilates studio, demolition of existing double garage at Midsummer Moon, 2A Cross End.


Land Adjacent to 80 Walton Road, Wavendon, MK17 8LW

Re-submission of 18/01362/FUL for development of two houses & associated garaging at land off Walton Road, Wavendon. Details of landscaping to be forwarded under separate cover by JIG Landscapes, Bedford at Malting Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.


Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 15/02768/OUT for approval of a landscape and ecology management plan and amendments to a previously approved landscaping scheme at Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes.


34A Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AE

Proposed garden room and detached single garage at 34A Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes.


Land Adjacent To 8 Phoebe Lane, Phoebe Lane, Wavendon

Proposed detached dwelling and double garage at Land Adjacent to 8 Phoebe Lane, Wavendon.


Land of Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8UN

Screening opinion for residential development of 124 dwellings together with associated parking and landscaping. The scheme comprises a mix of detached and semi-detached dwellings including 30% affordable units at Land off Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.


8 Phoebe Lane, Wavendon, MK17 8LP

Reserved matters application for landscaping and re-location and re-sizing of garage at Land adjacent


Land West of Eagle Farm, South Lower End Road, Wavendon

Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 14/02167/OUTEIS for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale of 174 new dwellings at Land West of Eagle Farm South, Wavendon for BDW Trading Ltd Phase 3 Parcel B2 at Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon

Phase 2 – 225 dwellings of outline planning permission reference: 13/02382/OUTEIS


Brooklands Development Site, Countess Way, Brooklands

Details submitted pursuant to the removal of condition 9 (Landscaping) attached to planning permission 17/03063/REM


6 Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Change the use of detached garden room into an annex that has a bathroom and one bedroom


Waitrose National Distribution Centre, Magna Park

New proposal for a covered steel framed workshop repair area clad in powder coated profiled metal sheeting to match main warehouse. New structure will be located within an existing warehouse service yard area


Chimney Cottage, 5 Crow Lane, Wavendon, MK17 8AR

Listed building consent for the construction of masonry gable wall to the south elevation to include the removal of a small modern double glazed toilet window


Land West of Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AN

Installation of Electricity Sub Station


73 Walton Road, Wavendon MK17 8LH

Change of use from Class A1, ground floor to Class C3 including alterations to ground floor front elevation windows to form self-contained 2 bedroom apartment


Site at Stockwell Lane Farm, Wavendon

Variation of condition 1 attached to planning permission 17/03007/FUL to change the approved drawings & drawing number


73 Newport Road, Wavendon MK17 8UJ

Outline permission for the demolition of existing residential dwelling and the erection of up to three dwellings with access, turning, parking and other associated works


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes

The Stables- Design code


Storage Land and Premises on Newport Road, Wavendon

Construction of one residential dwelling


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application (relating to 13/02382/OUTEIS) for infrastructure works comprising roads, foul and surface water drainage, landscaping and associated earthworks


6 Wavendon House Drive

Proposed folding sliding doors to the rear elevation


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Milton Keynes, Wavendon Gate

Reserved matters application for internal access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for 134 residential units, 100 sqm of A1 (retail use)


Land of Walton Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LW

Development of two new houses


Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon

Erection of two dwellings with associated parking and landscaping


Land off Walton Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, scale and layout for 17 dwellings


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Milton Keynes, Wavendon Gate, MK17 8LX

Reserved matters application for internal access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for 134 residential units, 100 sqm of A1 (retail use) at Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Milton Keynes.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Milton Keynes, Wavendon Gate

Reserved matters application for internal access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale for 134 residential units, 100 sqm of A1 (retail use)


Chimney Cottage, 5 Crow Lane, Wavendon

Listed building consent for replacement roof and remedial works following fire damage


Chimney Cottage, 5 Crow Lane, Wavendon

Replacement roof and remedial works following fire damage


Land at Junction of Newport Road and Lower End Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 17/00538/OUT to seek approval of the details of the design and external appearance of the building and landscaping of the site


4 Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes

Proposed side and rear first floor extension and minor internal alterations


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 14/00703/OUT to discharge of all remaining reserved matters, including access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale. Discharge of conditions 1, 5, 6, 9, 18 and 24


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Installation of an electricity substation to serve the school and the future phase of residential development within the Eagle Farm South development approved under application ref 13/02381/OUTEIS


St Marys Church, Walton Road, Wavendon

Tree preservation order consent to trim and reduce the density of the two specified trees – T2 is a large (Poplar), T1 is a large (Red Oak)


Long Acre, 38 Cranfield Road, Wavendon

APPEAL AGAINST REFUSAL for Outline application for proposed erection of up to four x 4-bedroom detached dwelling houses, the construction of a vehicular access road and widening of an existing vehicular access


Long Acre, 38 Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Outline application for proposed erection of up to four x 4-bedroom detached dwelling houses, the construction of a vehicular access road and widening of an existing vehicular access


20 Newport Road, Wavendon

1 x 3 bedrooms dwelling including access


49 Newport Road, Wavendon

Single Storey and Double Storey Rear Extension and Loft Conversion


Land To The South of A421, East of Cranfield Road, North of Salford Road, North of Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire.

Development comprising up to 650 homes, a local centre of up to 0.5ha (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1(a), C2, C3, D1 and D2), an area for educational purposes, of up to 2.2ha, playing fields, informal open space, landscape and sustainable drainage areas, access, footpaths cycleway, infrastructure and associated engineering works (including a noise attenuation bund).