Planning Archive 2021


Land to the West of 6 and 8 Cross End, Cross End, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Terms & Cons of License), 8 (Delivery Partner) and 9 (GCN Mitigation Principles) of permission ref. 21/01891/FUL.


Land to the West of 6 and 8 Cross End, Cross End, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 5 (landscaping, tree protection and boundary treatments), 6 (replacement tree planting), 11 (bicycle parking), 12 (surface water drainage scheme), 13 (maintenance of surface water drainage scheme), 14 (construction surface water run-off measures), 15 (sustainable construction strategy), 17 (CEMP), 19 (EV charging) and 20 (finished levels) of permission ref. 21/01891/FUL.


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 7 (Highway Works) of permission ref. 17/02328/OUT.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (Landscape Management & Maintenance) of permission ref. 20/02743/REM.

21/03668/FULMMA -

Land to the Rear of Forge Cottage, Cross End, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) of permission ref. 21/01891/FUL for the removal of the kitchen side window, addition of bi folding doors to the rear gable and alteration and movement of the driveway further to the east for greater visibility, relating to the erection of 1 detached dwelling with a garage, external parking and associated works.


Spinney Lodge, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Crown raise to a minimum height of 5.2 metres above ground of Ash tree (T52a) protected by Milton Keynes Council Group Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/42.


9 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a veranda.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 8 (Contamination) of permission ref. 14/00350/OUTEIS.


39 Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a proposed two storey side extension with hip end roof above and single storey rear extension with bi-fold doors and lantern roof light. New timber garage doors to front and rear.


The Lake House, 13 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (Construction Environmental Managment Plan) of permission ref. 20/02342/FUL.


The Lake House, 13 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (Construction Environmental Managment Plan) of permission ref. 20/02342/FUL.


7 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Listed Building Consent for the removal of modern internal partition wall between kitchen and living room and part of wall to form a larger door opening into living room on the ground floor. The removal of modern internal partition wall to form one bedroom on the first floor. (Retrospective).


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Installation of canopy for temporary period of up to 2 years.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 19/01071/OUT seeking to introduce confirmed Nature Space Partnership conditions in relation to Great Crested Newt mitigation works relating to Outline application for the construction of up to 23 dwellings, associated car parking, amenity space, landscaping and site access from Newport Road via Stockwell Lane and the access associated with the Glebe Farm development.


73 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 11 ( finished floor levels and ground levels) and 12 (surface water drainage scheme) of permission ref. 20/03295/FUL.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands. Milton Keynes.

Demolition of front porch and single storey side store and construction of 2-storey front extension with associated drainage works, a 2-storey rear extension, fenestration alterations, widening of driveway next to house, replacement of garage roof, replacement of windows / doors and new tiled roof to conservatory (Re-submission of 21/00935/FUL).


84 Walton Road, Wavendon.

The conversion of garage, single storey extension to link the house to the garage, 2 storey side extension and loft conversion to garage including raising of the eaves and ridge of the garage by 500mm.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Telecommunications 28-day notice of intention to install 2 x 9m wooden poles (7.2m above ground).


14 Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Construction of a two-storey side extension.


Land at Junction of Newport Road and Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use as 7 units of supported living accommodation with ancillary support accommodation in Flat 7.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 14 (CEMP) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 15 (Nationally Described Space Standard) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


Deethe Farmhouse, Deethe Farm, Cranfield Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

The reduction of Oak Tree (T51) to 12-15m above ground level and the pruning of Silver Lime Tree (T49) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


Parcel C - Glebe Farm, Newport Road. Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Secured by Design certification) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Parcels D1 & B2, Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 21 (Phasing Plan) & 30 (Biodiversity Enhancement) of permission ref. 14/02167/OUTEIS.


Parcel D1, Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 4 (arboricultural method statement soft landscaping within RPAs) of permission ref. 17/02483/REM.


7 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Listed building consent for repair works which includes the replacement of old UPVC windows, French doors, Crittall front door and windows.


7 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

The replacement of old UPVC windows and French doors with double glazed wooden framed windows and French doors and replacement of single glazed steel Crittall front door and windows with identical double glazed wooden framed front door/windows.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road. Wavendon.

Construction of proposed road connecting Wafandun Lane with Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge.


Parcel C - Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Secured by Design certification) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


1 Simons Paddock, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Two storey side extension with single storey rear extension.


Wavendon Community Playing Fields, Stockwell Lane, Land at Glebe Farm South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 28 (archaeology) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


20 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Construction of a garden shed (Retrospective).


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 8 (Waste Management Plan) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


24 Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Construction of a single storey rear extension, raised patio, and erection of 2.4m boundary fence.


78 Walton Road, Wavendon.

Construction of first floor extension over existing garage/carport and replacement of existing mono-pitched asbestos sheet roof with a dual pitched plain tiled roof to match the main dwelling.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/02682/FUL (erection of 12no. dwellings with associated parking and creation of access road) seeking house type substitutions from Silsoe to Lulsley on Plot 55 (former 5), Silsoe to A2-M4(2) on Plot 64 (former 8), minor alterations to position of car parking spaces, landscaping and path.


Glebe Farm School, South of A421 and North of Lower End Road / Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 17 (details of artifical grass pitch) of permission ref. 20/03333/FULMMA at Land.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/00935/FUL seeking to widen 2-storey front extension, widen and add 1st floor to rear extension and alter fenestration to front, rear and side elevations including replacing window with juliet balcony.


Land to the North of Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Part-demolition & part-conversion of existing buildings to provide no. 6 residential dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), and construction of no. 13 new residential dwelling houses (Use Class C3), with associated car and bicycle parking, internal access roads and landscaping, and other associated works.


Site 2, Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to planning permission ref. 20/03029/FUL - Erection of a drive-through restaurant (Class A3/A5), with associated parking and landscaping (re-submission of 20/01983/FUL), to seek approve to include a drivers window which will only be used by delivery drivers with a canopy over to protect them from bad weather.


Land at Towergate A, Groveway, Milton Keynes.

Construction of one pedestrian / cycle link connecting Site A, Towergate, with the Milton Keynes Redway at Groveway and associated works.


Magna Park Site, Fen Street, Magna Park.

The installation of high-performance electric vehicles charging infrastructure including new EV bays, EV charging points and equipment, a transformer station unit and power cabinets and associated infrastructure including the fitting of new bollards, new wheel stops and armco barrier and a repositioned pathway.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 9 (Foul water drainage scheme) and 13 (surface and storm water drainage) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


10 Campion Close, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes, MK17 7BW.

The erection of a single storey rear extension with roof lantern.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (Details of Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale (in respect of 288 dwellings (Phase 2)) pursuant to the outline permission of ref. 14/01610/OUT for the construction of a residential development of up to 350 homes with strategic access included for consideration and all other matters reserved.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. 14/01610/OUT for the construction of 62 dwellings (Phase 1 of residential development of up to 350 homes).


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Biodiversity Mitigation and Management Plan) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for Land West of Wavendon Lodge, Milton Keynes to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works to include details required by Conditions; 10 (Transport Assessment) and 12 (Biodiversity Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) of planning permission ref: 17/00303/OUT.


Wavendon Community Playing Fields, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 9 (Planting Scheme) of permission ref. 20/02979/REM.


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Alterations to the HGV access arrangements including removal of two gatehouses and replacement with a new gatehouse and associated minor development, additional inbound HGV lane, adjustments to drainage layout and changes to the external lighting.


Wavendon Golf Centre Clubhouse and Car Park, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Residential development of 30 dwellings, including car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure works at Former


Land Adjacent to South Lodge, 33 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single detached dwelling with new access, car port and associated works.


Wavendon Community Building and Sports Pitches Site at Land at Glebe Farm South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 18 (Sample Panels) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


37 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Demolition of existing garage and the erection of 4 no. bedroom detached dwelling with garage, parking, turning and access. Creation of new access and parking for 37 Parkway.


Parcels B1 & B2, Glebe Farm, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Estate Roads/Footways) and 7 (Highway Surface Water) of permission ref. 20/00288/REM.


Land at Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm South, Wavendon.

Erection of a foodstore with four, 2 bedroom apartments above, access, parking provision and associated works.


Land at Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm South, Wavendon.

Erection of a food store with four, 2 bedroom apartments above, access, parking provision and associated works.


41 Bellway, Wavendon.

Erection of a single storey detached annexe in front garden.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (WSI for Archaeological Mitigation) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


36 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01786/FUL seeking to omit 1 chimney from each plot, change detail above windows and doors to brick soldier course, omit rooflights from plot 2 bathroom and add window to first floor or rear elevation to serve the bathroom relating to demolition of the existing bungalow (No.36) and construction of three detached dwellings. Works include utilising the access of No.32 and alterations to the size of the rear garden of No.32. (re-submission of 19/02943/FUL).


35 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Installation of root barrier to the right and rear of the property (subsidence claim).


Land West of Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Outline application (matter of access to be considered with matters of layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping reserved) for the construction of up to 103 residential dwellings, together with associated access, parking, open space, landscaping and all ancillary works.


73 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 3 (Schedule of external materials), 5 (Ecological mitigation & enhancement) and 7 (arboricultural method statement) and of permission ref. 20/03295/FUL.


Land at Eagle Farm, Phase 4 Parcel D, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS for the construction of 121 dwellings.


Lot 1- Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 46 (Surface Water Disposal) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Site at Stockwell Lane Farm, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon .

Details submitted pursuant to Condition 6 (Boundary treatments), 7 (Hard & Soft landscaping), 9B (Foul water drainage) and 10 (Materials) relating to planning permission ref. 19/01159/FULMMA.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01841/REM seeking substitution of house types within plot nos. 59, 60, 81, 84-86, 91, 92, 100, 118, 125-130, 137, 141, 162, 190, 201, 202, 251, 267, 268, 277, 284, 291, 297, 309, 312, 313, 326, 329, 340, 334, 347, 366, 371, 372, 377, 381, 382, 390, 392, 396, alteration of parking spaces for Plot 199 and addition of 2 visitor south of Central Green Square, relating to 400 dwellings and associated works, pursuant to outline planning permission 14/00350/OUTEIS.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of permission ref. 20/00288/REM seeking change to approved materials relating to Reserved Matters Application (Access, Landscape, Appearance, Scale and Layout) for 381 Dwellings pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road,

Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 19/01071/OUT for the construction of up to 23 dwellings, associated car parking, amenity space, landscaping and site access from Newport Road via Stockwell Lane and the access associated with the Glebe Farm development.


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 4 (lighting plan), 9 (tree survey) and 10 (soft landscaping) of permission ref. 21/00584/FULMMA.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 18 (external materials) relating to 13/02382/OUTEIS (re-submission).


Land to the West of 6 And 8 Cross End, Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of 1 detached dwelling with a garage, external parking and associated works (resubmission of 20/03392/FUL).


Land to the West of 6 and 8 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of 1 detached dwelling with a garage, external parking and associated works (resubmission of 20/03392/FUL).


Wavendon Community Building and Sports Pitches, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 5 (Foul water strategy), 7 (Ground conditions), 12 (finished floor and ground levels), 13 (Sustainability Statement), 14 (Noise mitigation measures), 17 (Code of construction practice), 19 (Cycles, parking and manoeuvring), 22 (Boundary treatment), 27 (Storm water drainage design) and 38 (Lighting plan) relating to planning permission 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 4 (lighting plan) attached to planning permission 18/02881/REM.


Fair Oaks, 47A Newport Road, Wavendon.

Demolition of attached garage and front extension and construction of 2-storey side/front/rear extension connecting to new single storey rear extension, fenestration alterations, alterations to porch/bay window and construction of detached garage at front of plot.


Kynaston, 69 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Single storey rear extension.


Long Acre, 38 Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Construction of new dwelling and alterations to existing access (re-submission of refused application 21/00765/FUL).


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to planning permission 20/02979/REM including relocation of the Pavilion building location and alterations to the Parking layout. The addition of an attenuation Pond for the Pavilion & Car Park, layout to match the Pavilion Reserved Maters Application. Additional fencing added to pond and amendments to the enhancement Planting on the Landscape Strategy to fit with the current proposals. A reassessment of the approved District Licence to capture the above alterations and the addition of the pond.


Land Incorporating 32 and 36 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to conditions 3 (external materials), 8 (arboricultural), 9 (levels), 10 (sustainable drainage) and 14 (broadband) attached to planning application 20/01786/FUL.


Crabtree Cottage, Crabtree Lane, Wavendon.

Tree Preservation Order Consent for - T1 - Oak - Reduce overall crown by 3m, T2 - Oak - Reduce overall crown by 3m, T3 - Oak (Ivy on trunk) - Small crown - Sectional fell close to ground level, T4 - Oak - Reduce overall crown by 3m, T5 - Twin Stemmed Oak - Reduce overall crown by 3m.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

Reserved Matters application following 15/02337/OUT for access, appearance, layout, and scale for internal roads, pump station, three residential units (Plots 99, 108 and 109) and a convenience store.


2 Wedgewood Close, Wavendon.

Crown lift to 1.5 meters from the ground of 3x Oak trees T1, T2, T3 protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order PS/540/15/168.


Woburn Sands Emporium, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Demolition of existing storage barn and erection of a replacement storage barn to the north-east of the site at Woburn Sands Emporium, Newport Road, Wavendon.


63 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application reference 20/01999/FUL for 2 roof windows on the north-west roof pitch of the 1st floor extension.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 14 (sample panels of external materials) attached to planning application 14/00350/OUTEIS.


12 Wavendon Lodge Mews, Wavendon.

Insert bi-fold doors with Juliet balcony to east side elevation at attic level.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to condition 3 (landscape management and maintenance plan) attached to planning application 20/02743/REM.


8 Ambridge Lane, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Single storey rear extension.


69 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Tree Preservation Order consent to Oak T1 remove deadwood, ivy and minor crown lift of 3 meters over access drive and garden.


Land at Church Farm, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 20 (Strategic Access Road - Landscaping); 21 (Strategic Access Road - Construction Delivery Plan); 22 (Off-site Highway Works); 25 (Travel Plan); 30 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan); 31 (Species Survey) and 32 (Biodiversity Scheme) attached to planning application 14/01610/OUT.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 10 (Travel Plan (March 2021) Residents Travel Information Pack) attached to planning application 14/00350/OUTEIS.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application 20/01841/REM for the substitution of house types within plot nos. N3-N6, N14, N26, N28-N29, N31, N48-N50, N55, N87, N115 & N205-206.


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Installation of PV System on the roof of Amazon Warehouse STN8 covering an area totalling 8,876sq, including cable drop and a fixed inverter on concrete base.


Brooklands Parcel 5B - 6B, Fen Street, Brooklands, Milton Keynes.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 5 (landscape management and maintenance), 6 (biodiversity enhancement), 8 (cycle storage), 9 (external lighting) and 12 (levels) relating to application 17/02226/REM.


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 4 (roads, footways and redways), 5 (levels), 7 (external lighting), 8 (landscape management and maintenance), 10 (parking) and 13 (Great Crested Newts) relating to application 20/03322/REM.


Parcel 5b, 6b at Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 9 (access and movement), 10 (traffic calming), 11 (estate roads, footways and cycleways), 12 (realignment of roads), 15 (surface water drainage scheme), 16 (foul water drainage scheme), 17 (ground contamination), 19 (trees), 22 (open space), 23 (construction vehicle cleansing), 26 (internal noise suppression), 27 (CEMP) and 28 (boundary treatment) relating to application 14/01544/OUT.


Parcel 5B and 6B Brooklands.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of conditions 9 (Access & Movement); 10 (Traffic Calming Works); 11 (Estate Roads, Footways & Cycleways); 12 (Road Realignment); 15 (Surface Water Drainage); 16 (Foul Water Drainage); 17 (Ground Contamination); 19 (Tree Retainment/Felling); 22 (Open Space); 25 (Construction Vehicle Wheel Cleansing); 26 (Internal Noise Suppression); 27 (CEMP); 28 (Boundary Treatments) and 30-33 (Ridge) attached to planning application 14/01544/OUT.


Glebe Farm School, Burney Drive, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Erection of an electrical substation and electrical enclosure to house electrical mains serving Glebe Farm School at Land.


Land Adjacent Junction 10 to 10A M1, Newlands Road (North Site), Luton.

Outline proposals, with all matters reserved except for access (Plots A, B, C and D), for a mixed-use development comprising: commercial, business and service uses (including retail and leisure floorspace); flexible commercial and business floorspace; car and cycle parking; and associated access, highways, utilities, drainage, landscaping, and associated ancillary works and structures.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to planning application 20/00288/REM (Reserved Matters Application (Access, Landscape, Appearance, Scale and Layout) for 381 Dwellings pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 13/02382/OUTEIS) to revise facing bricks and roof tiles (Plots 447,505-506,508,545-553,562-569,584,589-590,607-608,612-613,615 - bricks revised to houses and associated garages and Plots 545-553,562-569 & 590 - tiles amended to suit brick changes above.


Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 4 (method statement soft landscaping in RPAs) relating to application 17/02483/REM.


Cross End, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 5 (Drainage) attached to planning application 17/02328/OUT.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 16 (certificate from delivery partner for Great Crested Newts) relating to application 20/02979/REM.


Frosts Garden Centre, Newport Road, Woburn.

Details submitted pursuant to condition 3 (Signage) attached to planning application 20/03319/FUL.Sands, Milton Keynes.


69 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Rear infill single storey extension with glazed sliding panels 2 meters deep, 3 meters in height and 3 meters in height at the eaves.


63 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Single storey rear/side extension for conservatory replacing existing rear conservatory and glazed lean-to extension.


73 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application reference 20/03295/FUL for alterations to rooflights.


20 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 18/00295/OUT for one detached dwelling.


6 Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Proposed new double garage with a home office in roof with dormers and roof lights.


Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes.

Non material amendment to application reference 15/02768/OUT for updated house types to Plots 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 and 82 only.


Land West of Woburn Sands and South of Wavendon, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes

Residential led development with access from the A5130 Newport Road and the Bow Brickhill Road with land safeguarded for a new vehicular bridge crossing of the Railway. Development to comprise up to 1450 dwellings (use classes C2 and C3) a 3.0 hectare site for a primary school (use class F1) a 0.44 hectare for a mixed use local centre (use classes C2, C3 and E) formal and informal open spaces including strategic planting, allotments, sports pitches and childrens play areas. Land within the site to be safeguarded for the extension of the H10 grid road, a relocated railway station for Woburn Sands and a MRT interchange.


20 Bellway, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness for the construction of a porch to the front.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non material amendment to application 20/01841/REM for the re-siting of the electricity substation by central square to within the parking courtyard serving plot nos. N206-N210 and the relocation of 2 resultant displaced visitor parking spaces to entrance to parking courtyard serving plot nos. 192, 194-198 (resubmission of 21/00602/NMA).


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non material amendment to application reference 20/01841/REM for a realignment of the private drive serving plot nos. S231-S235 Realignment of plot nos. S231-S235 and a house type substitution within plot nos. 231 and 235 from a 'BROOKE to a 'BURNS' house type.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of second part of condition 14 (Playing Field, Detailed Scheme) attached to planning application 20/02015/FUL.


Crabtree Cottage, Crabtree Lane, Wavendon.

Notification of intention to remove failed limb, reduce overall crown by 4m, deadwood on Oak (T1); remove overall crown by 4m , deadwood on Oak (T2); sectional fell close to ground level on Oak with ivy on trunk (T3); reduce overall crown by 3m, deadwood on Oak (T4); reduce overall crown by 4m, deadwood on twin-stemmed Oak (T5).


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Reserved matter application for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of 350 dwellings, neighbourhood play area, surface water attenuation, electricity sub stations, foul pumping station and discharge of conditions 12 (surface water disposal),14 (storm water drainage system),15 (foul water strategy) and 26 (open space including the neighbourhood play area) relating to application 14/01610/OUT.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Demolition of front porch and single storey side store and construction of 2-storey front extension with associated drainage works, fenestration alterations, widening of driveway next to house, replacement of garage roof, replacement of windows and doors and new tiled roof to conservatory.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

A strip advertisement hoarding (non-illuminated) measuring 12 metres wide and 3 metres tall.


Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 3 (Ground conditions assessment) relating to application 19/00035/FUL.


18 Bellway, Wavendon.

Demolition of existing conservatory, construction of single storey side extension and addition of cladding on the existing rear extension.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 18 (Interim Travel Plan) relating to application 15/02337/OUT.


Land West of Eagle Farm, South Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application 17/02483/REM as amended by non-material amendments 19/02782/NMA, 21/00081/NMA and 21/03086/NMA to change house type H417 Bradgate to house type H442 Kirkdale on plots 79 & 104.


Wavendon House, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Two-storey and single storey rear extensions and single storey side extension with a first-floor roof terrace above.


63 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Prior notification for single storey larger householder extension to the rear of the property.


Long Acre, 38 Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Construction of new dwelling and alterations to existing access.


Site at Stockwell Lane Farm, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 3 relating to application 19/01159/FULMMA to provide an alternative solution for highway works.


Magnitude 314 (Unit 410), Fen Street, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Advertisement consent for the installation of new non-illuminated corporate signage to the building and site generally.


1 Simons Paddock, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Proposed detached garage and conversion of integral garage to habitable space. Proposed 1.8m wall and sliding electric gate.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to planning application 19/01632/REM (Revision to plots 110-114. Brickwork changed from Worcestershire Red to Minster Cream).


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application 20/01841/REM for the re-siting of the electricity substation by central square to within the parking courtyard serving plot nos. N206-N210 and the relocation of 2 resultant displaced visitor parking spaces to entrance to parking courtyard serving plot nos. 192, 194-198.


Glebe Land North of Broughton Brook, Fen Street, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 3 (Framework Travel Plan) attached to planning application 20/00345/FULMMA


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 18/02881/REM (Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 17/02328/OUT for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 9 dwellings) to allow for an additional single storey extension to Plots 8 & 9.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 16 (Estate roads) attached to planning application 14/00350/OUTEIS.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge conditions 16 (Tree Protection Plan), 22 (Tree Protection Plan East Roadworks & Drainage) 27 Highway Construction & Surface Material Layout.


Wavendon Community Building and Sports Pitches Site, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Regulation 3 application for the approval of Reserved Matters for the development of a community building with ancillary car parking, external hard and soft landscaping and associated works pursuant to outline approval 13/02382/OUTEIS relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 31 (Open space specifications) attached to planning application 13/02381/OUTEIS.


Land at Junction of Newport Road and Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge Conditions 11 (cycle storage) 12 (remedial works) & 13 (electric charging) attached to planning application 19/02551/FUL.


7 Devereux Court, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Single-storey rear extension and single storey side extension link to detached garage.


31 Parkway, Woburn Sands.

Non-material amendment to application 19/00618/FUL for the proposed extension to be finished in render to match existing front elevation.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate.

Details submitted pursuant to conditions 11 (Detailed Glazing Specification) and 15 (Acoustic Fence) attached to planning application 18/01304/REM.


Land South of Wavendon Manor, Cross End, Wavendon.

Discharge of conditions 4 (contamination) and 5 (drainage strategy) relating to application 17/02328/OUT.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate.

Non-material amendment to application 18/01304/REM to add a single storey rear extension to plot 20 to accommodate show home.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 8 (Written Scheme of Investigation for archaeological mitigation following evaluation) attached to planning application 14/01610/OUT.


Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes.

Non material amendment to application 17/03283/REM for updated house types to Plots 90, 91 and 92.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to application 18/00581/REM to change the approved house type on plot 1.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to 20/01841/REM to substitute house type on plot numbers N223, N224, N225 & N226.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 4 (Landscape and Surfacing) attached to planning application 19/02201/REM.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 46 (Surface Water) attached to planning application 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 27 (Storm Water Drainage Design) attached to planning permission 13/02382/OUTEIS.


Lot 1 - Parcel A Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Details submitted pursuant to the discharge of condition 16 (noise mitigation) relating to application 13/02382/OUTEIS.


4 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness for replacement of windows in front and rear dormers on listed building.


St Marys Church Walton Road Wavendon Milton Keynes MK17 8LW

Proposal: Secure shed with associated screenings.


Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to alter approved brick detailing to plots 52, 53, 57-129, 157-160 & 164-166, to alter approved roof tiles on plots 52, 53, 61-66, 73, 75-77, 79-83, 105, 108-110, 118, 119, 122-124, 128, 129, 157-160 & 164-166 and to alter approved house types for plots 62, 65 and 82 from H536 to H538 relating to application 17/02483/REM.


Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to alter the approved brick detailing for plots 43-46, 52, 53, 54-137, 148-163, 166 &167 and the approved roof tiles on plots 43-46, 52, 53, 60-62, 67-69, 71-77, 79, 80, 114-117, 148-150, 153, 154, 157-163, 166 & 167 relating to application 18/02183/REM.


Site to North West of Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Listed building consent for the retrospective approval for the provision of a link between the house and the garage.


Site to North West of Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Retrospective approval for the provision of link between dwelling and garage.


Frosts Garden Centre, Newport Road, Milton Keynes.

Erection of 2 buildings to facilitate 4 retail units (Class (E) (a) and dog grooming - Sui Generis.