Planning Archive 2012


Whitsundoles Farm, Broughton Road, Salford, Milton Keynes, MK17 8BU

Permanent use of land for the storage of aggregates, together with the retention of access, fencing, hard standing, bunds, lagoon, swale and portable office building.


Land at Church Farm in Wavendon

Screening option request for proposed development


Woodside Industrial Estate at Dunstable and Houghton Regis at Woodside Link Houghton Regis Central Beds for Central Bedfordshire Council

Highway project (National Significant Infrastructure Project under Planning Act 2008), known as Woodside Link to comprise approx. 3.3 km of new highway and ancillary works


Phase 1 of The Broughton Brook Linear Park Land At Fen Farm North of The A421 Milton Keynes

Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 04/01072/MKPCO for detailed landscaping for Phase 1 of the Broughton Brook Linear Park for Fen Farm Developments Ltd.


Plot 120 Land At Fen Farm North of The A421 Milton Keynes for Fen Farm Developments Ltd

Permission 04/01072/MKPCO for the erection of a distribution building (use class B8) with ancillary offices and plant, formation of parking areas and landscaping


Magna Park, Plot 250 Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes for David Lock Associates

Screening opinion request for a low carbon energy centre


Gallagher Estates at Eagle Farm North off A421, Wavendon, Milton Keynes

Outline Application for B1 (C) Light Industrial, B2 General Industry and B8 Storage and Distribution uses with Ancillary Office accommodation, new access and associated works


2 Cranfield Road in Wavendon

Erection of a single storey side extension and new chimney stack


Woburn Sands Garden Centre in Wavendon

External alterations to existing building in connection with its use for retail sales ancillary to the centre


Wavendon Pre-School and Nursery, Newport Road, Wavendon

Advert consent to display 1 x fascia sign to front; 2 x free standing signs to entrance; 1 x ā€˜Vā€™ shaped sign to front grassed area and 1 x banner sign fixed to fence within property (retrospective)


22 Parkway, Wavendon, MK17 8UH

Erection of a gazebo in the rear garden


72 Walton Road in Wavendon

Change of use of restaurant (use class A3) to single dwelling (use class C3) and erection of a detached double garage


Chimney Cottage, 5 Crow Lane, Wavendon

Listed building consent for replacement windows and patio doors


Land Bordering Deathe Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Outline planning permission received for the erection of 102 dwellings, open space with associated parking off Cranfield Road and creation of two new accesses and associated works by Storey Homes (re-submission of 11/00936/OUT)


1 Newport Road in Wavendon

Two storey rear extension and insertion of dormer windows to the front elevation


45 Newport Road in Wavendon

Garage conversion with single storey side extension for utility area and double garage


Agnus House Right Wing, Wavendon Business Park Ortensia Drive, Milton Keynes

Installation of new generator and new feeder pillar on concrete slabs and fence enclosure; relocate existing bin store enclosure


3 Crow Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AR

Erection of first floor extension and new ensuite shower room


AG Barr Ltd and Fen Farm Developments Ltd.

Outline planning permission for the erection of a building for the manufacture and distribution of soft drinks (Use Classes B2 & B8) with ancillary offices and plant; formation of parking areas, landscaping and extension of Crossley Drive


Extension of time limit of planning permission 07/00119/MKPCO for a further period of five years for the construction of a new waterway arm


Hungerford Hillway, Woburn Sands. Milton Keynes, MK17 8UL

Tree preservation order to prune back by 2m a long branch leaning over the highway of 1 x Oak tree


8 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AJ

Replacement of existing metal framed windows with UPVC


4 St Marys Close, Walton Road in Wavendon

Erection of three vehicle detached garage


Brooklands North of Broughton Brook, West of the M1 Motorway and South of the A509, Eastern Expansion Area Milton Keynes

Construction of the third phase of advanced highway infrastructure including ancillary earthworks, stopping up and diversion of Salford Road, new utilities and roads, ancillary junctions, footways, a public square and space for future ancillary landscaping and car parking on the new highway verge at land