
The Parish Council is consulted on all Planning Applications under consideration and these are updated on a regular basis when new applications are received.
You can access the Milton Keynes website to obtain full details of each planning application by clicking on the Planning Application Number below: Please note that a link is provided if the details of the planning application are available to view on the Milton Keynes Council website.

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Planning Applications for 2024


Stokesay Cottage, 75 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 10 (sustainable construction) of permission ref. 23/02373/FUL.


Woburn Sands Garden Centre Newport Road Wavendon

The removal of 2x Prunus avium (45, 46), 4x Thuja plicata and Chamaecyparis lawsoniana group (G47), 3x Populus canescens (48, 49, 50), 1x Thuja plicata (51), and 3x Populus alba (52, 53, 54) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no PS/540/15/423.


Land at Brooklands 2501 Units Outline, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 18 (Finished Floor Levels) of permission ref. 14/01544/OUT at


Land at Glebe Farm, South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to amend the proposal description to remove the reference to non-food retail to be replaced with Class E(a)(b)(c) and also replace the reference '(gross floor space area)' with '(Gross Internal Area)' (relating to permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS for the he development of Glebe Farm as part of a mixed-use sustainable urban extension comprising: up to 1,140 dwellings; land for one primary school (for children between the ages of 2 - 11) and one secondary school (for children between the ages of 12 and 18); a mixed use neighbourhood centre comprising of a retail food store of approximately 350 square metres (gross floor space area), additional non-food retail, a GP health centre; multi-functional green infrastructure (totalling approximately 18.5 hectares.) including parkland, sports pitches, children's play areas, informal open space, allotments, woodland, landscaping and surface water attenuation; new multi-functional community building; vehicular access points from the A421 via the Fen Farm roundabout, Newport Road and a future connection to the adjoining development land to the east; and internal streets, footpaths and cycleways).


Land at Glebe Farm, South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 11 (Uses) seeking to amend the condition to remove the reference to non-food retail within the local centre, to be replaced with Class E(a)(b)(c) and also seeks to clarify the condition to refer to gross internal areas (relating to permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS - The development of Glebe Farm as part of a mixed-use sustainable urban extension comprising: up to 1,140 dwellings; land for one primary school (for children between the ages of 2 - 11) and one secondary school (for children between the ages of 12 and 18); a mixed use neighbourhood centre comprising of a retail food store of approximately 350 square metres (gross floor space area), additional non food retail, a GP health centre; multi-functional green infrastructure (totalling approximately 18.5 hectares.) including parkland, sports pitches, children's play areas, informal open space, allotments, woodland, landscaping and surface water attenuation; new multi-functional community building; vehicular access points from the A421 via the Fen Farm roundabout, Newport Road and a future connection to the adjoining development land to the east; and internal streets, footpaths and cycleways).


12 Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a two-storey front extension with pitch roof. New front porch. Part single storey rear extension with enclosed balcony above, part two storey rear extension with pitched roof and a Juliet balcony. Raise roof height and loft conversion with a rear dormer and front roof light. Removal of a chimney and new doors and windows including fenestration changes.


Land South of Church Farm Walton Road Wavendon

Certificate of lawfulness for the confirmation of commencement of works relating to application reference 14/01610/OUT.


The Orchard, 5 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and construction of a replacement single storey dwelling with associated landscaping works.


210 Burney Drive, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Garage conversion to habitable room, relocation of boundary fence and erection of garden gates.


Wavendon Cottage, 4 Cross End, Wavendon.

Listed building consent for the removal existing thatched roof covering to front projecting roof and replace with natural slate roof covering.


Black Horse House, 2 Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Removal of first floor balcony and erection of first floor side/ rear extension with new gable end roof, part loft conversion with side / rear dormers, rooflights and Juliette balcony, alteration to front driveway pier and brick wall, and installation of solar panels to front pitch roof.


The Lake House, 13 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

The cut back of branches by approx. 2-3m and the and the cut back of overhanging branches to give sufficient clearance of/from the roof of 12 Wavendon House Drive on T1 (Ash) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/47.


Land to the North of Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (Structural Methodology Statement for Conversion/Demolition) of permission ref. 21/02541/FUL (allowed under appeal ref 23/00011/REF)

24/01082/HOU & 24/01083/LBC

Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear extension, re-roofing the garage and stables and installation of a new timber boarded ceiling to the vaulted ceiling in the stable building.


Land on the Corner of Bolebec Avenue and Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm South.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (EV Charging Points) of permission ref. 21/02250/FUL.


Land to the North of Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation), 6 (Building Record Scheme of Investigation), 11 (detailed drainage scheme) and 12 (drainage maintenance scheme) of permission ref. 21/02541/FUL.


Land to the North of Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to minor changes to the approved plans and elevations for house types A, B and F as well as plots 3-6 (relating to permission ref. 21/02541/FUL for [Partdemolition & part-conversion of existing buildings to provide no. 6 residential dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), and construction of no. 13 new residential dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), with associated car and bicycle parking, internal access roads and landscaping, and other associated works]).


Tollgate, 36 Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

The erection of single storey front extension replacing existing extension.


Heath Court, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Installation of a portacabin to provide an office for the base of operations for supported living services to serve residents.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to change house types and hard and soft landscaping (relating to permission ref. 21/02342/FUL for [Residential development of 30 dwellings, including car parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure works]).


57 Claridge Crescent, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

Conversion of single storey free standing rear garage, with sleeping accommodation, including associated alterations.


Deethe Farmhouse, Deethe Farm, Cranfield Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Listed Building Consent for remedial works to address oil contamination caused by heating fuel leak (retrospective).


Land to the South East of Prologis Park, Marston Gate, Ridgmont.

Consultation from Central Bedfordshire Council on application ref. CB/22/02213/OUT seeking permission for Hybrid Application: Outline Application: Erection of up to 68,000 sqm storage and distribution facilities (Use class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E(g)), with all matters reserved other than landscaping (structural landscaping, all groundworks and diversion works to the existing on-site pipeline) and Full Planning Permission for the erection of 62,000 sqm (gross) of storage and distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E (g)) within 3 no. units: HGV and car parking (including a dedicated lorry park with associated (E(b)) food and drink uses and a separate recreational use car park); the erection of a welfare, security and amenity building; works to footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways; site access to include provision of a 3 arm roundabout on the A507 and internal estate roads; works for the diversion of existing pipeline; landscaping (off-site and on-site provision); drainage; groundworks; and associated works. EIA development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Land Between Bletchley and Woburn Sands associated with the Route Corridor of the East West Rail Project.

East West Rail - Consultation on draft Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) under s.47(2) Planning Act 2008.


Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Proposed electric vehicle charging hub and associated works.


37 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 7 (LEMP) of permission ref. 21/02270/FUL.


Lot 1 - Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to change brick colour to plots 120-127 and 163-168 (relating to permission ref. 20/01246/FULMMA for Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) to update approved plans list to application 19/01268/REM).


Parcel 5B6B Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 15 (Surface water drainage) of permission ref. 14/01544/OUT.


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 15 (surface water drainage) of permission ref. 14/01544/OUT


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Modification of planning obligation dated 08 June 2018 relating to permission ref. 17/03315/OUT under section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, seeking to remove all financial contributions based on a viability assessment.


43 Fitz Hugh Crescent, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

A detached garage conversion to home office/snug/games room with W/C.


Park Farm House, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

The removal of low limb and major deadwood of Oak (T1) and reduction in height by 3m of Crab Apple (T2) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no's. PS/540/15/423 and PS/540/15/42.


Land adjacent Frost Garden Centre, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Proposed replacement telecommunications street work style mast.


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

The installation of a temporary canopy.


Land to the South East of Prologis Park, Marston Gate, Ridgmont.

Consultation from Central Bedfordshire Council on application ref. CB/22/02213/OUT seeking permission for Hybrid Application: Outline Application: Erection of up to 68,000 sqm storage and distribution facilities (Use class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E(g)), with all matters reserved other than landscaping (structural landscaping, all groundworks and diversion works to the existing on-site pipeline) and Full Planning Permission for the erection of 62,000 sqm (gross) of storage and distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E (g)) within 3 no. units: HGV and car parking (including a dedicated lorry park with associated (E(b)) food and drink uses and a separate recreational use car park); the erection of a welfare, security and amenity building; works to footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways; site access to include provision of a 3 arm roundabout on the A507 and internal estate roads; works for the diversion of existing pipeline; landscaping (off-site and on-site provision); drainage; groundworks; and associated works. EIA development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


3 Buxton Close, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a single storey outbuilding in rear garden (retrospective).


Stokesay Cottage, 75 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (Protection of species) and condition 5 (Biodiversity enhancement) of permission ref. 23/02373/FUL.


111 Burney Drive, Eagle Farm, South Milton Keynes

Change of use from dwellinghouse (use class C3) to childrens home (use class C2).


Lot 1 - Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) seeking to change approved plans for Plot 32 to allow for minor amendments (relating to permission ref. 20/01246/FULMMA Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) to update approved plans list to application 19/01268/REM - Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 198 dwellings and associated parking and open space, pursuant to outline planning consent 13/02382/OUTEIS).


Land at Salford Road, West of Junction 13 of The M1, Salford Road, Hulcote.

Consultation from Central Bedfordshire Council on application ref. CB/24/00148/SCN seeking EIA Screening Opinion for construction of a mixed employment site over 2 plots. Plot 1 comprising of office building with associated car parking, transport workshops, service yard and electric HGV charging facilities and secure perimeter fencing (6,700sqm). Plot 2 comprising of office building with associate car parking, operational facilities within an external service yard and secure perimeter fencing (6,000sqm).


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Variation of conditions 4 (Approved plans) and 19 (Strategic access) seeking to allow the development to proceed with vehicular access via a grid road extension to the H10 (relating to permission ref. 14/01610/OUT for Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 350 homes with strategic access with all other matters reserved).


Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear orangery.


Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear orangery.


20 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 10 (sustainable drainage strategy) of permission ref. 22/02342/FUL.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate.

Approval of details required by conditions 3 (Cycle Parking), 5 (High Spec Glazing), 6 (Landscape Details), 7 (Superfast Broadband) and 9 (BES) of permission ref. 21/01682/REM.


Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness to confirm the commencement of development within the 3-year time period stated within permission 19/00035/FUL.


South Lodge, 33 Cross End, Wavendon.

The reduction of crown by approximately 2m in height and spread of Oak Tree (T1) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


A G Barr Plc, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Erection of a temporary surface-mounted ancillary storage building anchored to existing hardstanding.