Planning Archive 2015


1 St Marys Close, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LN

Conversion and alterations of an existing single garage and first floor side extension above existing garage / utility. Erection of single storey front extension to form a double garage


Wavendon House, Cranfield Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AS

Erection of a detached double garage to the front of property


The Old Smithy, 8 Cross End, Wavendon, MK17 8AG

Single storey rear extension and replacement roof over existing single storey extensions


Land at Eagle Farm North, Crossley Drive Magna Park, Milton Keynes

Eagle Farm North Design Code


45 Newport Road, Wavendon, MK17 8AG

Two storey side extension (resubmission of 15/02261/FUL)


Site South East of Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes

Outline application for the construction of up to 240 dwellings with garaging; parking; public open space; landscaping; new vehicular and pedestrian accesses; highway works, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure and all ancillary works


Victory House and Keen House, Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate

Advertisement consent for the replacement of two non-illuminated signs


20 Newport Road, Wavendon

Outline application for erection of 3 bedroom detached dwelling in rear garden (Resubmission of 15/00793/OUT)


2A Hillway, Milton Keynes

Demolition of existing side conservatory and front gable, with a proposed rear extension, proposed side car port and the raising of the existing roofline to provide first floor accommodation to create a two-storey dwelling


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes

Outline application for up to 134 residential units with access from Ortensia Drive and the land north of the site, with associated landscaping, infrastructure and ancillary works


Land off Walton Road, Wavendon

Outline application for 16 residential units with access from Walton Road with associated landscaping, infrastructure and ancillary works


The John Lewis Distribution Centre

Vehicle maintenance unit to service and maintain the John Lewis Magna Park 1 fleet


Black Horse House, 2 Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Outline planning permission for access (with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for erection of 2 detached two storey dwellings


45 Newport Road in Wavendon

Two storey side extension to form a granny annex


Plot 230 Crossley Drive, Magna Park

Advertisement consent for two energy efficient LED Fascia signs and one Totem monolith sign with internal efficient LED lighting


80 Walton Road, Wavendon

Outline planning permission with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for a residential development of 3 dwellings and associated access


The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LU

Change of use of agricultural land to provide new vehicular access with additional parking provision and associated landscaping


1 St Marys Close, Wavendon

First floor side extension and internal alterations


6 Cranfield Road in Wavendon

Detached garage and carport


6 Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes

Demolition of existing UPVC conservatory, proposed two storey and single storey rear extensions


John Lewis Distribution Centre, Fen Street, Magna Park, Milton Keynes

Additional ventilation louvres added to south elevation


Plot 120, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes

Additional ventilation louvres to south elevations


Waitrose National Distribution Centre, Atkinson Way, Magna Park, Milton Keynes, MK17 8FF

Advert consent for illuminated signage onto Waitrose warehouse


Land West of Eagle Farm South



Land at Glebe Farm



Land at Eagle Farm South



Land West of Eagle Farm South, Lower End Road, Wavendon

Reserved matter application for first phase infrastructure works comprising roads, redways, attenuation ponds, foul & surface water drainage and associated earthworks attached to planning permission 14/02167/OUTEIS


Eagle Farm Roundabout Link Road, Southern Kingston Roundabout towards Motorway in Wavendon for AMEY

Environmental impact assessment screening opinion request for dual carriageway and roundabout works near Eagle Farm on the A421 at A421 Highway Verge from J13


Network Rail East West Railway Phase 2 Order

Proposed Network Rail East West Railway Phase 2 Order


9 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon

Replace old UPVC windows and French doors with double glazed wooden framed windows and French doors and replace single glazed front door with identical double glazed wooden framed front door


Land at the Gables, Lower End Road, Wavendon

Erection of 34 x dwellings with relocated site access and associated infrastructure and landscaping works


Land West of Bidwell, Houghton Regis North Site 2, Houghton Regis for Central Bedfordshire Council

Outline ‘hybrid’ planning application with details of main access routes, primary road network and associated drainage in detail only and layout in outline with details of landscaping, appearance and scale reserved for later determination. Development to comprise: Up to 1,850 residential (C3) dwellings (including affordable housing), 2 FE Primary School (D1) employment land (Use Classes B1 (a-c), B2 and B8), local centre comprising retail (A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5) and community/leisure uses (D1 and D2), layout of public open spaces including sports pitches and changing rooms, natural wildlife areas and all associated works and operations including engineering operations and earthworks


34 Newport Road, Wavendon

Variation of conditions 3 (external materials) 4 (Landscaping scheme) 7 (Parking scheme) attached to planning permission 13/01392/FUL for relocation of building 2m to the west


7 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon

Replacement of rear first floor metal window frames with uPVC windows


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road in Wavendon

Variation of condition (1) approved plans attached to application 14/01842/FUL


6 St Marys Close in Wavendon

Single Storey side extension


Glebe Farm, South of A421, Wavendon

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 13/02382/OUTEIS for access and layout – first phase infrastructure works comprising roads, attenuation ponds, foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks


Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon

Reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 13/02381/OUTEIS for access and layout first phase infrastructure works comprising roads, attenuation ponds, foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks


Woburn Sands Garden Centre, Newport Road, Wavendon

Advertisement consent for 2 free-standing signs


Waitrose National Distribution Centre, Atkinson Way, Magna Park

Advertisement consent for 17 free-standing signs


20 Newport Road, Wavendon

Outline application for the erection of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling in the rear garden


9 Wavendon House Drive in Wavendon

Replace old UPVC windows and doors with double glazed wooden framed windows and doors


Sites East of Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes

Development of 150 residential dwelling


16 Hillway

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 5 (samples of external materials) attached to planning permission 14/002238/FUL


Land at Fen Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AA

Variation of condition 6 attached to 06/00297/MKPC to replace 10,500 sqm with 13,367sqm


Land at Fen Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AA

Variation of condition 9 attached to planning permission 06/00333/MKPCO


Land at Fen Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AA

Variation of conditions 8 and 10 attached to planning permission 04/01072/MKPCO

15/00042/FUL & 14/00043/LBC

Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AQ

Change of use from stable to two bedroomed residential unit and construction of single storey rear extension

15/00040/FUL & 14/00041/LBC

Wavendon Manor, 18 Cross End, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8AQ

Change of use from hayloft over garage to two bedroomed residential unit