2022 Planning Applications


Land north of Cranfield Airport, College Road, Cranfield

Outline Application: with all matters reserved except for access, for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and associated research and development activity, comprising up to 16 aircraft hangar bays, offices, workshops and storage buildings, compass swing pad and associated works, aircraft engine ground running enclosure and associated works, aircraft wash stand, airfield infrastructure works comprising construction of aprons, taxiways and runway works, upgrades of aeronautical ground lighting, and navigational aids, site perimeter fencing, drainage, car parking, security gate houses and controlled vehicle and pedestrian access, landscaping, earth bunds, earth works, electrical sub-stations, demolition works, utility works, temporary site office, modifications to public rights of way and modifications to the Crawley Road / College Road / Astwood Road highway junction. EIA development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 17 (Energy and Climate Statement) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


Land to the Rear of Forge Cottage, Cross End, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 16 (CEMP) of permission ref. 21/03668/FULMMA.


11 Courtenay Croft, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a two-storey side extension.


14 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

The felling of Horse Chestnut (T1) due to the tree being heavily in decline protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/47.


Land West of Newport Road, Woburn Sand, Milton Keynes.

Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 21/02085/OUT (for the construction of up to 103 residential dwellings, together with associated access, parking, open space, landscaping and all ancillary works).


32 Fontaines Road, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed two storey rear extension and first floor rear facing bay windows.


49 Marion Crescent, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed front porch extension.


Wavendon House Estate, Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

The removal of major dead wood of an Oriental Plane (T1962) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/6 and the stem reduction by 7mtrs of a Silver Maple (T1966), due to the recent failure of 1 of 3 co-dominant stems and one of the stems overhangs a garage, the removal of major dead wood of a Common Lime (T0552), the crown reduction to 7mtrs of a Yew Tree (T2211) to leave monolith as one half of the crown has failed due to included bark union at 3mtrs from ground, protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/47.


2 Ravi Way, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to 5 bedroom HMO (Use Class C4) (retrospective).


Woburn Sands Garden Centre, Newport Road, Wavendon, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by conditions (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of permission ref. 20/02188/OUT.


Sites East of Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

Erection of Sound Wave sculpture.


2 Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Listed Building Consent for the erection of a single storey rear extension with PV panels. The demolition of the existing corridor and insertion of new entrance door. New canopy to side entrance door. Reinstated arched windows to side elevation. Replacement of cement render and replacement with insulated lime render. The erection of a side infill extension with roof light.


2 Lower End Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey side extension with roof lantern. New canopy to Side Entrance. Small infill to south elevation under existing roof. PV panels to existing modern rear roof. 7no arched windows reinstated to historic north wing. Replacement of cement render with insulated lime render to historic wing. Insulation and render added to modern rendered wing. Internal alterations.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 31 (Public Open Space Specification) of permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS at Parcels B1 & D2.


74 Walton Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a two-storey front extension with gable feature and balcony. Single storey side extension to replace the existing structure. The conversion of the garage into family room with roof alterations, sliding doors to replace the shutter and associated alterations. The erection of a front wooden canopy structure. Roof lights and solar panels to roof. Changes to fenestrations including new windows and front entrance door.


The Orchard, 5 Parkway, Woburn Sands.

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and the erection of a 2-storey dwelling and a detached garage with solar PV panels, associated landscaping works including blocking of 2nd access and installation of access gate.


6 Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 22/01012/FUL, seeking a front and rear window to the side extension and replacement of the rear kitchen window with patio doors; relating to the erection of a single storey side extension and the raising of the roof and new roof lantern on existing single storey rear extension.


Land to South of 34A Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a machine store and associated access and hardstanding (resubmission of 22/01787/FUL).


Larkspur, 20 Parkway, Woburn Sands.

The erection of a proposed single storey side and rear extension to form annexe with extended roof canopy.


33 Menday Gardens, Wavendon.

The erection of single storey side extension to the dwellinghouse, and the erection of single storey side extension to the garage.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Demolition of the existing side conservatory and the erection of a 2-storey side extension incorporating a Juliet balcony. Storm canopy in a cast stone finish to the front of the house with 2 pillars. New rear fascia, soffit, barge boards and guttering to the gable end to match the existing house. New external windows and doors. Landscape changes including the partial removal of hedge for proposed new driveway.


2 Longacre, Wavendon.

Erection of a single storey rear extension.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Landscape Details) of permission ref. 21/01682/REM.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Details of Estate Roads), 7 (Schedule of External Materials), 9 (Landscape Management and Maintenance Plan) & 10 (Lighting plan) of permission ref. 21/02065/REM, as amended by 22/01032/NMA.


Seven Gables, 2 Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Installation of 3 EV chargers.


Land West of Woburn Sands and South of Wavendon, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Outline application (matters of access to be considered, with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for residential development with access from the Bow Brickhill Road to comprise up to 335 dwellings (use class C3), formal and informal open spaces including playing fields, site for a pavilion, a local play area, creation of public rights of way and other associated works and operations including, but not limited to demolition, earthworks, and engineering operations (including utilities and drainage).


4 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed replacement of the existing windows in the front and rear dormers with new single-glazed white timber windows. Replacement weather boarding to match the existing above the windows. Lead flashings to be checked and replaced if required.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 13 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


3 Buxton Close, Glebe Farm.

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed construction of an outbuilding.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to amend the location of the garages for plots 2, 3, 6 and amendments to the roof design of Plots 4, 5, 32, 33, 97 & 98, and minor alterations to the location of plots 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106. (Relating to permission ref. 21/02387/REM - Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.).


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to amend the location of the garages for plots 2, 3, 6 and amendments to the roof design of Plots 4, 5, 32, 33, 97 & 98, and minor alterations to the location of plots 102, 103, 104, 105 and 106. (relating to permission ref. 21/02387/REM - Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.)


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01841/REM seeking an amendment to the approved Affordable Housing Plan to reduce the conveyance area across the frontage of plot 351 for the visibility splay required by the s38 agreement.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 17 (energy and climate statement) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL


32 Fontaines Road, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a first floor rear extension, a rear balcony and rear Juliet balcony with new upvc doors, and the installation of new front canopy and bay windows.


Land at Glebe Farm South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the creation of allotments south of the A421 along with associated development, pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


16 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Crown reduction of T1 Beech by 2-2.5m approx. 25% of the canopy, reduction of limb by 3m and installation of Cobra bracing to prevent a break from hitting the property protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Protection order no. PS/540/15/47.


20 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Erection of a 3-bedroom dwellinghouse along with associated hard and soft landscaping.


Footpath 2, Wavendon

The removal of major dead wood of an Oriental Plane (T1962). The stem reduction by 7mtrs of a Silver Maple (T1966), due to the recent failure of 1 of 3 co-dominant stems and one of the stems overhangs a garage. The removal of major dead wood of a Common Lime (T0552). The crown reduction to 7mtrs of a Yew Tree (T2211) to leave monolith as one half of the crown has failed due to included bark union at 3mtrs from ground and remaining crown is unsafe at Street Record Footpath 2, Wavendon. All listed trees are protected by Milton Keynes City Council Tree Preservation Order no PS/540/15/6.


Unit 510 Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Advertisement consent for the display of a proposed vinyl sign on existing building.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 15 (external materials) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 10 (EV Charging Points) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 7 (traffic calming features) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 4 (estate roads, footways and redway) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 6 (Biodiversity Mitigation and Management Plan) of permission ref. 17/00303/OUT.


Kynaston, 69 Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear extension and front/side extension with alteration to garage roof, and addition of two dormers. Alterations to front gate.


18 Bolebec Avenue, Eagle Farm South, Wavendon.

Erection of a single storey rear extension and the conversion of a double garage to an annex.


35 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed internal repairs to a Listed Building.


9 Manor View, Cross End, Wavendon.

Construction or car port and store.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 26 (Open Space Specification) of permission ref. 14/01610/OUT


7 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

The replacement of existing rear UPVC windows and french door with double glazed UPVC windows and French door & the replacement of existing front single-glazed steel Crittall front windows with new identical double glazed aluminium heritage style windows.


The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Installation of car park lighting to improve public access, safety and security. (Resubmission of 22/00927/FUL).


Land at Brooklands 2501 Units, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by conditions 11(Details of Estate Road, Footways and Cycle Ways),13 (Parking / Tracking Plan),15 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 16 (Foul Water Drainage Scheme), 18 (Finished Floor Levels and Finished Site Levels),19 (Retained Trees), 20(Fencing), 25 (Wheel Washing Facilities) , 26 (Noise Exposure), 27(CEMP), 28 (Boundary Treatment) and 29 (Secured by Design) of permission ref. 14/01544/OUT for Phase 1F.


Turing House, Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref 22/00002/FUL seeking omission of entrance lobby, replacing this with a totem sign, back painted glass to ground floor glazing on north elevation, removal of access door to roof and internal structural alterations, relating to removal of the bris soleil at the front entrance and construction of single storey extensions to front entrance and infill along with installation of photovoltaic panels on west-facing roof pitches and air conditioning unit, and associated parking and landscape works.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 4 (Play area equipment) of permission ref. 22/00504/REM.


Highway Land, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Prior Installation of 20m streetpole, antennas, ground based apparatus and ancillary development.


Land West of Eagle Farm South, South of A421 &North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 4 (play area equipment) of permission ref. 22/00505/REM.


9 Watson Drive, Eagle Farm South, Wavendon.

Installation of a garage door on the carport.


Land to South of 34A Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a machine store and associated access and hardstanding.


Lot 1 - Parcel A Glebe Farm, Wavendon

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) of permission ref. 19/02201/REM


Land South of Church Farm Walton Road Wavendon

Approval of details required by conditions 30 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) & 32 (Biodiversity Scheme) of planning permission ref. 14/01610/OUT.


44 Acker Bilk Drive Glebe Farm Milton Keynes

The erection of a conservatory to rear.


Land at Eagle Farm, Phase 4, Parcel D, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Estate Roads and Footways), 7 (Schedule of External Materials), 9 (Landscape Management and Maintenance Plan), 10 (Lighting Plan for Ecology), 12 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan) & 13 (Strategy ensure compliance with Parts K.4, K.5, K.6 of Plan:MK Policy SC1) of permission ref. 21/02065/REM.


Unit 520, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Prior approval for the installation of a maximum of 2496 antiglare covered panels, 999 kwp flat to roof system, south-east facing to generate renewable electricity for use within the building.


2 Longacre, Wavendon.

Erection of a two-storey rear extension, infill of carport and first floor side dormer and balcony.


Land at Elmswell Gate, Glebe Farm.

Advertisement consent for the display of internally illuminated fascia signage, pole signs, lightbox and menu units, and non-illuminated directional ground signs and information signs.


Land to the South East of Prologis Park, Marston Gate, Ridgmont.

Consultation from Central Bedfordshire Council on application ref. CB/22/02213/OUT seeking permission for Hybrid Application: Outline Application: Erection of up to 68,000 sqm storage and distribution facilities (Use class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E(g)), with all matters reserved other than landscaping (structural landscaping, all groundworks and diversion works to the existing on-site pipeline) and Full Planning Permission for the erection of 62,000 sqm (gross) of storage and distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E (g)) within 3 no. units: HGV and car parking (including a dedicated lorry park with associated (E(b)) food and drink uses and a separate recreational use car park); the erection of a welfare, security and amenity building; works to footpaths at cycle routes and bridleways; site access to include provision of a 3 arm roundabout on the A507 and internal estate roads; works for the diversion of existing pipeline; landscaping (off-site and on-site provision); drainage; groundworks; and associated works. EIA development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 12 (Surface water disposal), 14 (Storm water drainage) and 15 (Foul water strategy) of permission ref. 14/01610/OUT.


49 Marion Crescent, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed Garden Outbuilding incorporating a work from home space and under cover seating area.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Drawings) of permission ref. 21/01992/REM seeking amendment of small feature brickwork panels, from herringbone pattern to stacked bond (header) in a blue engineering brick. relating to [Approval of reserved matters (access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 19/01071/OUT for the construction of up to 23 dwellings, associated car parking, amenity space, landscaping and site access from Newport Road via Stockwell Lane and the access associated with the Glebe Farm development.


Park Farm Bungalow, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

T1 - Pine - Sectional fell close to ground level - Due to the location and recent major limb loss which has made the remaining crown unstable. T1 protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no PS/540/15/7.


Land at Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Development of Bio-CNG vehicle fuelling facility comprising fuel dispenser islands, plant compound, landscaping, access and associated development.


Land between Brogborough, Lidlington and Marston Moretaine Central Bedfordshire.

Outline Application: development for up to 5,000 new homes specialist residential accommodation, up to 30ha of employment land, retail, community, open spaces, leisure and sport uses, hotel uses, four lower schools, two middle schools, one upper school, woodland planting, waterbodies and waterway links, ecological areas, accesses, cycle and pedestrian routes, supporting infrastructure, ground remodelling, landscaping and demolition works.


Land at Glebe Farm, South of A421 and North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 18 (Management and Maintenance Plan for Artificial Grass Pitch) of permission ref. 22/00164/FULMMA.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Finished Floor Levels), 11 (Adoptable Roads), 14 (Boundary Treatments), 19 (Foul Water Strategy), 21 (Storm Water Drainage), 36 (Updated Survey Reports), 39 (Lighting) of permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS within Parcel D2.


Land West of Woburn Sands and South of Wavendon, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Scoping request under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2017 relating to up to 350 new residential units, including affordable homes, over 4ha of new sporting provisions, including up to four sports pitches, parking and pavilion area, approximately 8.5ha of formal and informal open spaces including strategic landscape planting, public open space and children’s play areas, new access onto Bow Brickhill Road and new infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and vehicles, connectivity with adjacent planned developments and associated infrastructure.


4 Manor View, Cross End, Wavendon.

Laterally reduce canopy of Oak protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/412O by 4m towards garden fence due to overshadowing.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 8 (Contamination) of permission ref. 14/00350/OUTEIS in relation to plots 1-31, 40-43, 59, 68, 86-88, 117 and 239-242.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 8 (Contamination) of permission ref. 14/00350/OUTEIS in relation to plots 1-31, 40-43, 59, 68, 86-88, 117 and 239-242.


Site 2, Elmswell Gate, Towergate, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 4 (Hard and Soft Landscaping) of permission ref. 20/03029/FUL.


Sheen Cottage, 11 Crow Lane, Wavendon.

To crown reduce silver Birch tree which is currently 18m (60ft) tall by 1.0 - 1.5m from branch tips protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


Sheen Cottage, 11 Crow Lane, Wavendon.

To crown reduce silver Birch tree which is currently 18m (60ft) tall by 1.0 - 1.5m from branch tips protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


Land at Eagle Farm, Phase 4, Parcel D, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02065/REM seeking opposite handing proposed to plots 94-97 inclusive to improve levels and access requirements relating to the approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS for the construction of 121 dwellings.


6 Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a single storey side extension and the raising of the roof and new roof lantern on existing single storey rear extension.


Deethe Farmhouse, Deethe Farm, Cranfield Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Tree preservation order consent for T50 (Mature European Lime) - crown thin of 20% by removal of epicormic growth, minor limb removal of deadwood to lessen wind resistance and performing detailed aerial inspection protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Protection Order No. PS/540/15/42.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon

Non material amendment to application 21/01992/REM to make changes to materials shown on approved elevations.


Land At Glebe Farm South of A421, Newport Road. Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (foul water strategy) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Installation of 5m lighting columns to car park.


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref 20/01841/REM seeking to correct a graphical error affecting the affordable housing tenure designation on plots N171-176 relating to reserved matters application (access, appearance, layout and scale) for 400 dwellings and associated works, pursuant to outline planning permission 14/00350/OUTEIS (Resubmission of 19/01196/REM).


Land at Cranfield Airport, College Road, Cranfield

EIA Scoping Opinion for the proposed development on land at Cranfield Airport (Central Bedfordshire Council application ref. CB/22/01340/SCO)


Site at Land at Magna Park Industrial Estate, Milton Keynes.

Screening opinion request under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2017 relating to proposals for a Bio-Compressed Natural Gas (Bio-CNG) HGV refuelling facility.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/03397/FUL seeking to deepen the rear extension by 0.3m, relating to demolition of front porch and single storey side store and construction of 2-storey front extension with associated drainage works, a 2 storey rear extension, fenestration alterations, widening of driveway next to house, replacement of garage roof, replacement of windows / doors and new tiled roof to conservatory (Resubmission of 21/00935/FUL).


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm North, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02360/FUL seeking amended Gatehouse with the inclusion of a ramp, adjustments to the security fence, relocation of two single pedestrian gates, relocation of drainage and adjustments to road markings relating to Alterations to the HGV access arrangements including removal of two gatehouses and replacement with a new gatehouse and associated minor development, additional inbound HGV lane, adjustments to drainage layout and changes to the external lighting.


Seven Gables, 2 Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Listed building consent for fenestration changes and internal adaptions.


Seven Gables, 2 Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Fenestration changes and internal adaptions.


Frosts Garden Centre, Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a detached single storey storage building/facility with loading canopy.


Woburn Sands Garden Centre, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 8 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 9 (Long-term Maintenance for Surface Water Drainage System), 10 (Finished Floor Levels), 12 (Tree Survey and Report, Arboricultural Impact Statement, Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Method Statement), 14 (Soft Landscaping), 16 (Fixed Mechanical Plant and Ventilation Systems), 17 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme), 18 (Lighting Plan) & 20 (Compliance with Policy SC1 of Plan:MK) of permission ref. 20/02188/OUT.


Land to the Rear of 6 Cross End, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 5 (Hard & Soft Landscape Works, Tree Protection Details and Boundary Treatment), 6 (Replacement Tree Planting), 7 (Council Organisational licence and Proposal Detailed on Plan), 11 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 12 (Long term Maintenance Arrangements for the Surface Water Drainage System), 13 (Avoidance of Additional Surface Water Runoff), 14 (Sustainable Construction Strategy), 15 (Digital Communications Services), 16 (Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)), 17 (Car/Vehicle Parking Area), 18 (Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces) & 19 (Finished Floor Levels) of permission ref. 21/03668/FULMMA.


10A Cross End, Wavendon.

Non material amendment to application 22/00052/FUL to change RAL code for replacement windows/ doors and render to windows/ rear doors (RAL 7016), render (RAL 7035) and front door (RAL 6015).


Woburn Sands Garden Centre, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Willow (T1), fell to ground level as windblown and leaning against fence and loose in ground; Poplars (T2-T5), fell to ground level due to concerns of stability following surrounding wind damage; T6, fell as dead; twin stem Leylandii (T7), fell to ground level as weak due to included union; Oak (T8), fell to ground level as loose in ground; in relation to protection under Milton Keynes Tree Preservation order PS/540/15/423.


Parcels B1 and D2 Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS for the public open spaces within Parcel B1 and D2.


31 Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a two-storey side extension, a single storey front extension, a single storey rear extension with boundary wall and a front dormer window.


73 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Erection of entrance walls, pillars and gates.


Land Forming Part South East Milton Keynes Strategic Urban Extension, South of Milton Keynes North of Bow Brickhill, North of Bow Brickhill Road and Woburn Sands Road, Milton Keynes.

Outline application (matters of principle access to be considered with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for mixed-use urban extension comprising residential development, secondary and primary schools, local centre (including retail, commercial and community uses), landscaped green infrastructure and public open space, access roads and associated highways improvements, surface water drainage and associated infrastructure works.


Land West of Eagle Farm South, South of A421 / North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. 14/02167/OUTEIS for the public open spaces within Parcel B2 and D1.


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS for the public open spaces within Parcel B1 and D2.


41 Bellway, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 5 (tree protection scheme) of permission ref. 21/02204/FUL.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Phasing Plan) of permission ref. 14/01610/OUT.


The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the Installation of access / car parking lighting.


Park Farm Bungalow, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

T1 & T2 (Pines) - Prune to reduce lateral spread extending towards property by 2m, reduce spread over bungalow. Trees protected by Milton Keynes Tree Preservation Order PS/540/15/7.


Wavendon Community Building and Sports Pitches, Site Land to East of Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Advertising Consent for 1 x non-illuminated V-sign on four poles, 1 x externally illuminated sign on two poles and 1 x non-illuminated sign on two poles.


Woburn Sands Emporium, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline planning permission 20/02188/OUT for the demolition of existing storage shed and the erection of a 96 bedroom care home with parking and associated development, and the discharge of conditions 8 (drainage), 9 (drainage), 10 (finished floor levels), 12 (trees), 14 (landscaping), 16 (plant and ventilation), 17 (biodiversity), 18 (lighting), and 20 (energy and climate statement) of outline planning permission 20/02188/OUT.


Unit 2, Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

External works including installation of doors and windows; creation of access ramp and steps; and featheredge boarding to elevations.


Unit 9, Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

External works including relocation of door (x1); installation of additional door (x1) and windows (x5); installation of conservation rooflights (x4); featheredge boarding to elevations; installation of black rainwater goods; and pantile roofing.


Units 3-8 Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Part demolition and part conversion of existing buildings to provide 6 residential dwelling houses (Use Class C3), with associated car and bicycle parking, internal access road and landscaping, and other associated works.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 3 (estate roads and footways), 4 (cycle link), 5 (bicycle parking), 7 (EV charging points), 9 (remedial works), 10 (boundary treatments), 11 (hard and soft landscape works), 12 (finished floor and ground levels), 13 (site layout in relation to trees), 14 (tree survey and protection plan and arboricultural method statement), 17 (energy and climate statement), 18 (surface water drainage scheme) & 19 (surface water drainage system including SUDS) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


9 Manor View, Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a two-storey rear extension & a single storey side extension.


Site at Stockwell Lane Farm, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 5 (bicycle parking), 6 (boundary Treatments), 7 (hard & soft landscape works), 9B (foul water drainage scheme) & 10 (materials) of permission ref. 21/00731/FULMMA.


41 Wavendon House Drive, Wavendon.

Listed Building Consent for the installation of two Electric Vehicle Charging Posts adjacent to existing parking bays.


Bryer Lea, 2 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

To Raise Crown to 5m and reduce branches of Oak tree protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no PS/540/15/110.


29 Walton Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear extension with flue involving demolition of existing conservatory and single storey rear extension and new roof on existing single storey rear extension.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon

Approval of details required by condition 17 (CEMP) of permission ref. 19/01071/OUT


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon

Approval of details required by Condition 11 (Certificate of Delivery Partner) of permission ref.21/01992/REM.


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Archaeological) of permission ref.19/01071/OUT


Flat 7, Heath Court, Lower End Road, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes

Change of Use of Flat 7 to an office and overnight staff accommodation for the base of operations for supported living services to serve the residents of Flats 1-6 and Flat 8 (Retrospective).


Land at Glebe Farm, South of A421 and North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Variation of condition(s) 1(approved plans) and 11 (site levels plan) of permission ref. 20/02015/FUL seeking necessary design revisions and site level amendments relating to Regulation 3 application for erection of all-through Primary (3FE) and Secondary school (6FE) with Nursery provision, Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs), 3G pitch, parking, landscaping and associated works.


Land incorporating 32 and 36 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01786/FUL seeking to omit rear bay window and kitchen window replacing with bi-fold doors and insert 3 rooflights into rear slope on Plot 1 relating to the demolition of the existing bungalow (No.36) and construction of three detached dwellings. Works include utilising the access of No.32 and alterations to the size of the rear garden of No.32. (re-submission of 19/02943/FUL)


Hungerford, Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

The crown raise by 5m of T1, T2, T3, T4 - Oak Trees protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/110.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/02743/REM seeking amendment to condition 1 of 20/02743/REM comprising revised landscape and boundary treatment plans relating to reserved matters approval pursuant to outline approval ref 14/00350/OUTEIS for landscaping pursuant to the whole of the site.


10A Cross End, Wavendon.

Single storey rear extension, part garage conversion and internal alterations.


10A Cross End, Wavendon.

Proposed single storey rear extension, part garage conversion and internal alterations.


Turing House, Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

Removal of the bris soleil at the front entrance and construction of single storey extensions to front entrance and infill along with installation of photovoltaic panels on west-facing roof pitches and air conditioning unit, and associated parking and landscape works.