2023 Planning Applications


Land at Brooklands, to North East of A5130 and East of Brooklands Farm, Eastern Expansion Area, Milton Keynes

Approval of details required by condition 27 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of permission ref. 13/00652/OUT.


Wavendon Fields, Wavendon.

Construction of 5 detached dwellings, demolition of garage blocks serving existing dwellings, removal of tennis court, the erection of replacement garage blocks and a bin store, extension of access road and associated hard and soft landscaping.


Land Incorporating 32 and 36 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Variation of conditions 1 (Approved drawings/details) and 6 (Bicycle storage/parking area) seeking to alter the site plan and house type plans in order to add car ports over car parking (relating to permission ref. 20/01786/FUL for Demolition of the existing bungalow (No.36) and construction of three detached dwellings. Works include utilising the access of No.32 and alterations to the size of the rear garden of No.32. (re-submission of 19/02943/FUL).


Land on the Corner of Bolebec Avenue and Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm.

Installation of Plant Equipment.


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 15 (surface water drainage) of permission reference 14/01544/OUT.


Sheen Cottage, 11 Crow Lane, Wavendon.

The reduction in height by 2m from approx. 10m of Silver Birch (T1) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


21 Garner Lane, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Certificate of Lawfulness for existing erection of a front shed.


Unit 510, Harvie Card Way, Eagle Farm, North Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02500/FUL seeking to amend the approved plans to allow for the installation of 8 EV bays, associated equipment and associated works relating to the installation of high performance electric vehicles charging infrastructure including new EV bays, EV charging points and equipment, a transformer station unit and power cabinets and associated infrastructure including the fitting of new bollards, new wheel stops and armco barrier and a repositioned pathway.


Land At Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Finished Floor Levels) and 21 (Storm Water Drainage) of permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS. At:


A G Barr Plc, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Prior notification for the proposed installation of 900kWp of Solar PV


27 Garner Lane, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Proposed garage conversion into a habitable room (home office).


Site A, Towergate, Groveway V11 to H8 Milton Keynes

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/02932/REM seeking changes to the playground design and equipment relating to the approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, scale, layout (pursuant to the permitted outline planning application 17/03205/OUT) for up to 150 dwellings.


Land to the North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Outline application (matters of access and scale to be considered, with matters of layout, appearance and landscaping reserved) for the erection of up to 5 dwellings.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 17 (energy statement) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


Site A, Towergate, Groveway V11 to H8 Milton Keynes.

Confirmation that all conditions of permission ref. 17/03205/OUT having been complied with, relating to outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access arrangements from Groveway) for residential development (C3) for up to 150 homes, public open space, sustainable urban drainage, and associated landscaping, infrastructure and ancillary works.


Site A, Towergate, Groveway V11 to H8 Milton Keynes.

Confirmation that all conditions of permission ref. 20/02932/REM having been complied with, relating to approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, scale, layout (pursuant to the permitted outline planning application 17/03205/OUT) for up to 150 dwellings.


Stokesay Cottage, 75 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Proposed demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of two dwellings with two double garages, with parking, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.


Land at Eagle Farm Phase 4, Parcel D2, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 13 (Policy SC1) of permission ref. 21/02065/REM.


1 Wedgewood Close, Wavendon.

The crown lifting to approximately 5 metres above the ground, the crown reduction by 2 metres all around and crown thinning by 30% of Oak protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/412.


1 Wedgewood Close, Wavendon.

The crown lifting to approximately 5 metres above the ground, the crown reduction by 2 metres all around and crown thinning by 30% of Oak protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/412.


20 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 10 (sustainable drainage strategy) of permission ref. 22/02342/FUL.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 28 (Secure By Design) of permission ref. 18/01304/REM.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness for the confirmation of commencement of works relating to application reference 14/01610/OUT.


A G Barr Plc, Crossley Drive, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Prior notification for the proposed installation of 900kWp of Solar PV


Land West of Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 18 (Arboricultural Impact Assessment) of permission ref. 21/02085/OUT.


The Orchard, 5 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and the erection of a single storey dwelling with detached garage and landscaping works including blocking of 2nd vehicle access and installation of access gate.


27 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Erection of single storey side/rear extension, including alteration of existing onsite parking.


Land to the South East of Prologis Park, Marston Gate, Ridgmont.

Consultation from Central Bedfordshire Council on application ref. CB/22/02213/OUT seeking permission for Hybrid Application: Outline Application: Erection of up to 68,000 sqm storage and distribution facilities (Use class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E(g)), with all matters reserved other than landscaping (structural landscaping, all groundworks and diversion works to the existing on-site pipeline) and Full Planning Permission for the erection of 62,000 sqm (gross) of storage and distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with ancillary light industrial (B2) and ancillary office accommodation (E (g)) within 3 no. units: HGV and car parking (including a dedicated lorry park with associated (E(b)) food and drink uses and a separate recreational use car park); the erection of a welfare, security and amenity building; works to footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways; site access to include provision of a 3 arm roundabout on the A507 and internal estate roads; works for the diversion of existing pipeline; landscaping (off-site and on-site provision); drainage; groundworks; and associated works. EIA development accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Plot 510, Gallagher Logistics Park, Magna Park, Fen Street, Milton Keynes.

Extension and minor alterations to gatehouse.


Land at Brooklands, Newport Road, Broughton, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by conditions 15 (surface water drainage) and 16 (foul water drainage) of permission ref. 14/01544/OUT.


7 Bellway, Wavendon

Retrospective application for the erection of a summer house for office with household storage.


7 Bellway, Wavendon.

Retrospective application for the erection of a summer house for office with household storage, the erection of a front porch and the erection of a garden wall.


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 17 (Sustainability) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


Land West of Newport Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by conditions 10 (Surface water drainage), 11 (Maintenance of drainage systems), 12 (Surface water run-off), 14 (Biodiversity enhancement scheme and LEMP) and 15 (Lighting plan) of permission ref. 21/02085/OUT.


Parcel D2, Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Finished floor and ground levels), 16 (Root Protection), 21 (Storm Water Drainage), and 22 (Tree Protection ) of planning application 13/02381/OUTEIS.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02387/REM seeking to amend the Cranbourne House type to replace the bay windows on plots 18, 24 and 62 with a flank window and additional ground floor rear window and to amend the Woburn housetype at plots 2, 3, 6 and 7 to include a utility door on the ground floor flank elevation and two additional first floor flank windows serving bathrooms relating to the Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02387/REM seeking to amend the Cranbourne House type to replace the bay windows on plots 18, 24 and 62 with a flank window and additional ground floor rear window and to amend the Woburn housetype at plots 2, 3, 6 and 7 to include a utility door on the ground floor flank elevation and two additional first floor flank windows serving bathrooms relating to the Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.


Lot 1 - Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Wavendon.

Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) seeking to change approved plans for Plot 32 to allow for minor amendments (relating to permission ref. 20/01246/FULMMA Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) to update approved plans list to application 19/01268/REM).


Sheen Cottage, 11 Crow Lane, Wavendon.

The crown reduction of Silver Birch tree (T1) by 1-1.5m in height and all around protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


Sheen Cottage, 11 Crow Lane, Wavendon.

The crown reduction of Silver Birch tree (T1) by 1-1.5m in height and all around protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/423.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre, Clubhouse and Car Park, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (Landscape management plan) and 12 (Biodiversity enhancement scheme and management plan) of permission ref. 21/02342/FUL.


5 Courtenay Croft, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

Single storey rear extension.


The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) of permission ref 22/02021/FUL.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02387/REM seeking to amend the House type for plot 22 relating to the Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.


2C Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear extension.


11 Courtenay Croft, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a single storey porch extension.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre Clubhouse and Car Park, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 13 (surface water drainage scheme) and 14 (surface water drainage maintenance plan) of permission ref. 21/02342/FUL.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre Clubhouse and Car Park, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 11 (delivery of superfast broadband infrastructures) of permission ref. 21/02342/FUL.


Former Wavendon Golf Centre Clubhouse and Car Park, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 9 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of permission ref. 21/02342/FUL.


Parcel D2, Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Floor and Ground Levels), 16 (Root Protection), 21 (Storm Water Drainage Design) and 22 (Tree Protection) of permission ref 13/02381/OUTEIS.


8 Devereux Court, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Proposed detached two storey 6 bedroom dwellinghouse with a habitable loft space, dormers on the rear elevation of both the garage roof and the dwelling roof and an attached double garage to the south of the proposed dwelling.


Lot 1 - Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01246/FULMMA seeking the addition of 1no window to rear of Plot 32 relating to the Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) to update approved plans list to application 19/01268/REM.


River Island Distribution Centre, Fen Street, Magna Park, Milton Keynes.

Prior notification for the installation of 30m lattice tower with 6 multi-operator, multispectrum antenna apertures with a 100m2 secured compound.


3 Cross End, Wavendon.

Erection of a garden room.


Land on the Corner of Bolebec Avenue and Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm South.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02250/FUL seeking minimal alterations to the shop front of the approved foodstore relating to the erection of a foodstore with four, 2 bedroom apartments above, access, parking provision and associated works.


Land on the Corner of Bolebec Avenue and Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm South.

Advertisement Consent for the installation of x3 illuminated (level), wall mounted fret cut of aluminium back panel fascia with push through acrylic letters sign on the north, east and south elevations, x3 internally applied vinyls north elevation, x1 Vinyl applied inside of glazing containing photograph and x1 Totem sign in the car park of the site.


14 Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Certificate of lawfulness for a front porch (2m by 1.5m) and a single storey rear extension.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 12 (Surface Water Disposal), 14 (Storm Water Drainage), 15 (Foul Water Drainage), 16 (Roads/Footways/Cycleways) and 17 (Surface Water Highways) of permission ref. 14/01610/OUT (allowed under appeal).


The Wavendon Arms, 2 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Installation of 'Stretch tent' type canopy over external seating area including festoon lighting.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to change the wording from commence to proceed above slab level of Condition 4 (on-site energy generation and water efficiency) and Condition 5 (superfast broadband) (relating to permission ref. 21/00943/REM for Reserved matter application for the approval of internal access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of 350 dwellings and associated infrastructure including electricity sub stations and foul pumping station relating to application 14/01610/OUT).


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 17 (Sustainability Statement) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


5 Courtenay Croft, Eagle Farm South, Milton Keynes.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey side extension.


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 11 (lighting) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


Land at Eagle Farm, Phase 4 Parcel D, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 21/02065/REM seeking to change the label on plot 58 from 'AS' to 'OPP' regarding the handing of the dwelling (relating to approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) pursuant to outline permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS for the construction of 121 dwellings).


Larkspur, 20 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a proposed single storey side and rear extension to form annexe with extended roof canopy (re-submission of 22/02676/HOU).


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to amend the Cranbourne house type to include a single storey rear projection (relating to permission ref. 21/02387/REM for Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.).


Deethe Farm, Cranfield Road, Woburn Sands.

Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued existing use of Unit 20 continuously for B2 General Industrial Use for in excess of 10 years for car repair and maintenance.


79 Newport Road, Woburn Sands.

The removal of one Oak tree (17 metres) closest to boundary of 1 Hillway to ground level and annual removal of regrowth developing from stumps, of the group of Oak (G3) trees protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order No. PS/540/15/110 due to subsidence damage to neighbouring property.


1 Hillway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Remove (fell) to near ground level and treat stump of Oak (T2) and Ash (T3) tree protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order No. PS/540/15/110 due to subsidence damage to property. |


South Lodge, 33 Cross End, Wavendon.

Erection of one detached bungalow.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to change the wording of Condition 12 (Surface Water Disposal), Condition 14 (Storm Water Drainage), Condition 15 (Foul Water Strategy), Condition 16 (Roads/Footways/Cycleways) and Condition 17 (Surface Water- Highways) from Prior to commencement to Prior to installation (relating to permission ref. 14/01610/OUT for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 350 homes with strategic access with all other matters reserved).


Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 10 (Lighting Plan), 12 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan), 13 (Sustainable Construction) of permission ref.21/02065/REM.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (sample of materials) of permission ref. 21/00943/REM.


Land South of Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 20 (strategic access road - landscaping) and 39 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of permission ref. 14/01610/OUT.


Land at Glebe Farm, South of A421, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 6 (Secured by Design) of permission ref. 13/02382/OUTEIS.


9 Cross End, Wavendon.

The extension of existing external glazed canopy on front elevation.


Parcel D2 Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 7 (Finished floor levels) 11 (Adoptable Roads), 16 (Root protection), 21 (Storm water drainage), 22 (Tree protection) and 39 (Lighting plan) of permission ref. 13/02381/OUTEIS.


16 Parkway, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (Material samples) of permission ref. 20/02796/FUL.


22 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Remove existing wooden cabin and replace with a gazebo.


Parcels B1 & B2 Land at Glebe Farm, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to alter the approved brick materials (relating to permission ref. 20/00288/REM - Reserved Matters Application (Access, Landscape, Appearance, Scale and Layout) for 381 Dwellings pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 13/02382/OUTEIS).


Wavendon Golf Centre, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 8 (Ground conditions) of permission ref. 14/00350/OUTEIS.


Woburn Sands Emporium, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to alter the layout of Care Home and add lift (relating to permission ref. 20/02188/OUT - Outline planning application, with the matters of appearance and landscape reserved, for the demolition of existing storage shed and the erection of a 96-bedroom care home with parking and associated development (re-submission of application 20/00284/OUT)).


Frosts Landscape Construction, Newport Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 17 (Energy and climate statement) of permission ref. 20/02682/FUL.


Land on the Corner of Bolebec Avenue and Wafandun Lane, Eagle Farm, South Milton Keynes.

Approval of details required by Condition 3 (Materials) and Condition 8 (Ecological Enhancement Plan) of permission ref. 21/02250/FUL.


42 Cardno Avenue, Eagle Farm South, MK17 7DY

Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed detached rear outbuilding serving as a garden office.


Stokesay Cottage, 75 Newport Road, Wavendon.

The demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of two dwellings with two double garages, with access off Newport Road, parking, landscaping and all other associated infrastructure.


Land Incorporating 32 and 36 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to add a carport to the side of plot 1 (relating to permission ref. 20/01786/FUL for demolition of the existing bungalow (No.36) and construction of three detached dwellings. Works include utilising the access of No.32 and alterations to the size of the rear garden of No.32. (re-submission of 19/02943/FUL)).


Land to the East of Stockwell Lane and West of Newport Road, to the North of Wavendon.

Approval of details required by conditions 14 (EV Chargers) and 15 (Broadband) of permission ref. 19/01071/OUT.


Donelly, 3 Newport Road, Wavendon.

Demolition of existing conservatory and sheds, erection of single storey rear extension and detached garage and conversion of bungalow to chalet bungalow with raised roof pitched and front & rear dormer windows.


Land to the South of 34A Newport Road, Wavendon.

The erection of a machine store and associated access and hardstanding.


Land North and West of Wavendon Business Park, Ortensia Drive, Wavendon Gate, Milton Keynes.

The erection of 4no. Maisonette dwellings (2 x one bed & 2 x two bed) replacing approved convenience store.


49 Marion Crescent, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

The erection of a front porch extension.


Parcels B2 & D1 Land West of Eagle Farm South, South of A421 & North of Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (LMP) of permission ref. 22/00505/REM


Parcels B1 & D2 Land at Eagle Farm, Cranfield Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 3 (LMP) of permission ref. 22/00504/REM


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Non-material amendment seeking to remove superseded duplicates WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZDR-A-0230-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0231-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0232-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0233-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0234-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DRA-0235-D5-P1, WAVLO-MCB-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0236-D5-P1 from approved documents and alter MKC Housing Accommodation Schedule so that Plots 90 and 91 (1 bed flats) change from Affordable Rent to Socal Rent, Plot 92 (2 bed flat) changes from Social Rent to Affordable Rent and Plot 94 (1 bed flat) moves from Social Rent to Affordable Rent (relating to permission ref. 21/02387/REM for Approval of Reserved Matters (Details of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) pursuant to outline permission for ref. 17/00303/OUT to provide 108 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated works.).


Land to the West of Wavendon Lodge, Lower End Road, Wavendon.

Approval of details required by condition 5 (Maintenance of shared / unadopted roads, footways and parking areas) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


10A Cross End, Wavendon.

Single storey rear extension, part garage conversion, new windows and internal alterations (re-submission of 22/00052/FUL).


Lot 1 - Parcel A, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/01246/FULMMA seeking to add 1no twin garage to serve plots 41 and 42 relating to the Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) to update approved plans list for application 19/01268/REM.


Land to the West of Wavendon, Lodge Lower End Road, Wavendon

Approval of details required by condition 11 (Lighting) of permission ref. 21/02387/REM.


South Lodge, 33 Cross End, Wavendon.

The erection of a single storey rear extension, internal alterations and changes windows and to roof including a hip to gable roof alteration and additional rooflights.